Warehouses and distribution centers

Did you know that as much as 60% of physical distribution costs in Europe can be traced back to the warehouse? To keep costs manageable, warehouse management is an important aspect of any business.

The warehouses and distribution centers course gives you an in-depth and practical overview of new developments in your field. Up-to-date concepts that will help you control costs and substantially improve performance are at the heart of every lesson. Improve your logistics performance.




Own pace

Study Form


Structure is the code word when it comes to your warehouse. Working in a structured way and keeping an overview are essential to good warehouse management. You want to keep costs as low as possible, and for that you need efficiency across the board. Efficient purchasing, efficient warehouse layout, efficient internal (logistics) processes and an efficient location, for example.

Modern logistics requirements such as working in supply chains and the ECR concept place high demands on the design and control of warehouses and distribution centers. The trends for the coming years are: higher efficiency, more flexibility and higher service levels. Is your warehouse set up efficiently and well thought out? Then an efficiency improvement of 25% and more is absolutely achievable!

This course will provide you with an in-depth and practical overview and understanding of new developments in your field. Up-to-date concepts that will help you control your costs and substantially improve your performance are the focus of each class.

Class schedule

The Warehouses & Distribution Centers course consists of 7 lessons. Each lesson section has practical examples. The authors use their own experiences to support the theory and make it directly applicable in your own practice. The lesson format:

Lesson 1
Warehouses & Distribution Centers - appearances, dynamics and developments
- Classification and layout of warehouses and DCs.
- Dynamics around warehousing
- The impact of logistics choices on function, layout and control
- Alternative distribution structures
- Trends for the future

Lesson 2
Methods and resources in furnishing and handling issues
- Design principles (routing, layout and ergonomics)
- Internal transport equipment and handling systems
- Organization and planning of the logistics and warehouse process
- Economic and logistical factors
- Feasibility and implementation design

Lesson 3
Cost accounting and performance indicators
- Purposes and importance of costing and cost control
- Budgeting and costing methodologies (Activity Based Costing and Activity Based Management)
- Performance indicators as a basis for costing
- Benchmarking as a tool for performance measurement

Lesson 4
Logistics automation
- Organizational and technical aspects of automation
- Implementation of solutions
- Change processes

Lesson 5
Warehouse Management Systems (WMS).
- WMS: selection and implementation
- WMS versus integral manufacturing and distribution software with warehouse functions
- Functionalities: multi-client support, EDI standards, Radio-Frequency

Lesson 6
Outsourcing of logistics
- How do you maximize success rates when outsourcing your distribution center?
- How do you maintain control when outsourcing your distribution network?

Lesson 7
Supply Chain Management
- How do you determine your strategy?
- What elements play a role in preparing a Supply & Demand Planning?

  • Logistics managers
  • Warehouse managers
  • Managers distribution center
  • Managers physical distribution
  • General and financial management
  • Purchasing Managers
  • Logistics consultants


Do you choose self-study? Then you can start at any time. We will send you the study materials you need to complete the course at your own pace.

  • Always fully updated teaching materials
  • 40-60% less cost than a classroom course
  • You decide where, when and at what pace you study
  • For questions about the material, please contact the expert authors

From the moment the course starts, you will receive a part of the course at regular intervals. One unit costs you 4 to 5 hours of study time. Would you like to receive them weekly, biweekly or all at once? You decide.

We will send you course folders so that you can keep all the lesson parts neatly together. You can also view the lessons online. The course material includes several cases that you can directly translate to your own situation. At the end of each lesson, questions and answers are included to test your knowledge.
Have you completed the course in its entirety? Then you will receive a Certificate of Participation from us. The course folders will form a valuable and practical reference work for you and your colleagues upon completion of the course.

It is also possible to provide this training in-company. Ask here quote.

The cost of this training is€1.795(excluding VAT) per person.


Are you taking the course privately? We can invoice you VAT-free. Invest in your future, ask about the possibilities.