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What is Lean?

In essence, the lean philosophy is about "learning to work efficiently." It's a globally recognized and implemented method for enhancing business processes continuously. It focuses on creating processes that deliver maximum value to customers while minimizing waste. By eliminating waste, operational costs decrease, resulting in an enhanced operating outcome.

ATIM organizes the theoretical Yellow Belt, Green Belt, Black Belt and Champion exams of the IIBLC®. Want to respond faster to changing customer demands and strive to maximize profits? Then check out one of our Lean courses.

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Lean Yellow Belt (not available in English)

For anyone looking to contribute to a project or initiative aimed at improvement

Discover all the essentials of Lean in just a day! The Yellow Belt training is ideal for establishing a solid support base within your organization. By earning a Yellow Belt certification, you will develop a strong understanding of Lean's goals and your involvement in different projects.

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Lean Green Belt (IIBLC)

For project managers and professionals in the field of improvement looking to implement improvement projects or programs.

The Lean Green Belt training provides you with a deeper insight into waste in business processes and helps you grasp the significance of Lean in your job and organization. Once you complete the training, you'll be equipped to implement the Lean methodology in your workplace.

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Lean Black Belt (IIBLC)

For senior project improvement leaders

During the Black Belt training, you will delve even further into applying the Lean philosophy, enabling you to identify, analyze, and minimize issues in processes.

Why should I enroll in a Lean course?

Lean is highly popular, mainly because there aren't many other proven methods that prioritize both customer focus and efficiency improvement, while also providing the opportunity to enhance not just top-down but also bottom-up processes. In terms of business enhancement, the conventional focus has been on refining and optimizing specific business areas. Identifying and eliminating waste across the entire value chain saves resources, money, and time. Enhancing the value chain leads to higher customer satisfaction and boosts employee morale, making work more enjoyable for them.

At ATIM, you can also sit for your Lean exam.

Have you gained knowledge and skills in Lean and want to showcase this expertise with a certificate? ATIM also offers and organizes the exams for these courses.