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What is Lean?

In essence, the lean philosophy is about "learning to work efficiently." It's a globally recognized and implemented method for enhancing business processes continuously. It focuses on creating processes that deliver maximum value to customers while minimizing waste. By eliminating waste, operational costs decrease, resulting in an enhanced operating outcome.

Lean is very popular, mainly due to the fact that there are not many other proven methods that both focus on the customer and on efficiency improvement and offer the possibility to improve not only top-down, but also bottom-up. When it comes to business improvement, the focus has traditionally been on improving and optimizing a specific part of the business. Detecting and eliminating waste from the perspective of the total value chain saves effort, money and time. By improving the value chain, customer satisfaction increases and employees enjoy going to work more.

ATIM organizes the theoretical Yellow Belt, Green Belt, Black Belt and Champion exams of the IIBLC®. Want to respond faster to changing customer demands and strive for maximum profit? Then check out one of our Lean courses.


For anyone who is going to contribute to an improvement project or initiative.

Learn in one day all the basics of Lean.
Yellow Belt is great for creating broad support within the organization. With a Yellow Belt certification, you have a clear understanding of the goal of Lean and understand your role within projects.

For project leaders and professional improvement practitioners who will implement improvement projects or programs.

The Lean Green Belt training gives you a better understanding of waste within business processes.
After the training you will be able to apply the Lean methodology in your own work environment.

For senior project improvement leaders

During the Black Belt training you will go even deeper in applying the Lean philosophy. With this you will learn to detect, analyze and reduce problems in processes.

Obtain an internationally recognized certificate for Lean through ATIM.

The international Lean certification program consists of four levels: Where you start with the Yellow Belt certificate in Lean or the Green Belt certificate in Lean, then you can build up to Black Belt in Lean and Champion in Lean.