World class consensus demand management

Realizing world-class demand management within your organization? Download a FREE whitepaper from VCare Academy now and take your first step towards world-class demand management!

Good companies are full of excellent processes; product development, customer order processing, manufacturing, shipping and distribution. In most cases, these processes also have budgets, resources and people who implement and improve the processes.

However, when it comes to demand management, we generally do not see mature processes, but "ad hoc" people. Usually this is the salesperson, sucking their thumbs at the end of the month and trying to satisfy the boss with a forecast for the next month , or if we are lucky, two months! There is generally no budget, few resources and no one is dedicated to making sure this important task is done and, more importantly, improved.

The ultimate goal of the Consensus Demand Planning process is to give the company the input to drive the three levels of planning;

  • Strategic planning;
  • Executive Sales and Operations Planning;
  • Master Production Scheduling.

Source: VCARE Academy

Whitepaper world class consensus demand management

The following topics are included in the white paper:

  1. The Known, The Unknown, The Really Unknown;
  2. Sales History vs. Demand History;
  3. Consensus Demand Plans and The Budget;
  4. Forecasting Time Horizons;
  5. The Demand Team, Budget and Process.

Download Whitepaper world class consensus demand management

Company name


Ken Titmuss
EREB Member
Education and Research Executive Board
VCARE Academy Inc.

Ken Titmuss has been a Supply Chain, Operations and Manufacturing consultant for 30 years. He has worked with over 200 companies to help them with all aspects of their production planning and control systems and to provide training to their employees to increase their knowledge of Operations Management and Supply Chain Management.

Improve Demand Management through training

VCARE is a well-known training institute that certifies supply chain professionals globally. VCARE's committed research and development team consistently creates internationally recognized accredited certification programs and collaborates with numerous international partners worldwide to offer globally acknowledged professional qualifications. By obtaining a certificate from VCARE, you showcase your expertise in the industry.

At ATIM, we offer three VCARE courses:

  • CPIA - Certified Production and Inventory Analyst
  • CSSC - Certified Store and Stock Controller
  • CSCL - Certified Supply Chain Leader

Training CPIA

Having control over a wide range of production activities that take place within a typical manufacturing or process industry. In today's dynamic economy, it can be seen as a competitive advantage. The CPIA course is designed to increase a student's knowledge of a business environment with the role of manufacturing in particular.

Training CSSC

Good inventory and warehouse management can give you a big advantage. For example, when competing in the current environment of the customer saying, "I want it now." The CSSC program is designed to increase your knowledge. Especially regarding the role of the store, the functions of store personnel, how inventory is managed and moved in and out of the store.

Training CSCL

Based on a hands-on, real-world approach, the CSCL program teaches the fundamentals as well as the intricacies of supply chain management. It is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive grasp of different facets of the supply chain, such as inventory management, procurement, production, storage, transportation, and the most recent developments and technologies in the industry.